3 Tips for Students from January 01/25 Forum

monthly forum audience

by Michelle P.

Last week in January, on the Saturday of 01/25, IvyBoost held our first free Monthly Counseling Forum!

The forum was hosted by Michelle, and led by Counselor Jennifer and Tony. Six families attended the forum for an informative discussion on standardized tests and summer programs.

From the forum, there were several important points and tips we would like to share with students below:

1.Standardized Tests

While some colleges have a test-optional policy, many top colleges, including Ivy League colleges, require these tests

The preparation process for a standardized test should be started early, preferably by the end of sophomore year. For the SAT Math section, students would be ready to take that section after finishing Algebra 2.

2.Summer Programs

The value of summer programs is that it is a crucial way for students to explore fields for career interests and college admissions

Even if the student chooses not to go into the academic area they explore in a summer program, the experience can still provide a valuable detail or story for later college application essays

One example was shared about the importance of summer programs, where a student originally attended a biology-focused program at UC San Diego, and discovered from that summer program that their real interest was in engineering instead.

3. What is COSMOS?

One parent asked for more detail about a summer program, COSMOS, which Counselor Tony had mentioned.

COSMOS stands for the California State Summer School for Mathematics & Science.
It is a summer program with different clusters focused on STEM subjects offered on various UC campuses.

COSMOS is pretty selective as a program, with an admission rate of around 15%.
It is helpful as a program for students with specific science interests, as well as providing a mini-preview of the college application process as students go through a summer program application (which includes an online application, asking for recommendations, short essays etc.).

For students and parents who have other questions regarding preparing for college admissions, they are welcome to register for one of IvyBoost’s later monthly forums by marking ‘Free Monthly Counseling Forum’ on our sign up page.

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