College Counseling Blog

IvyBoost Counseling Forum – Saturday 01/25 at 1pm
For students in grades 8th-11th, there are many areas to plan for. What courses do they need next year? Should...

Should Students Major in AI?
by David N., PhD Should students major in Artificial Intelligence (AI)? With a number of colleges now offering a major...

Summer Activities to Explore Medicine
by Sophia S. Summers can be a valuable time to explore your career interests outside the classroom by gaining a...

Should Students Pick the SAT or ACT?
by Diane N. As an upcoming year of college admissions approaches, many students must decide between the SAT and ACT....

High Score Tips for the SAT
by Alex L. I'd like to share my experience preparing for the SAT/PSAT, in the hopes that others will take...

IvyBoost 2024 Thanksgiving & Winter Holiday Dates
IvyBoost would be closed for the holiday dates below.Closed for Thanksgiving Monday, November 25 – Saturday, November 30After November 30,...
College Essays Blog

UC #4 or #5 – About Challenges (Vlog)
by Kathleen M. The UC essays 4 and 5 are really very closely related to one another. So think about...

Showing Growth in Talent in UC Prompt #3
by Kathleen M. When the UC PIQ prompt #3 asks: What would you say is your greatest talent or skill?...

Other Examples of Creativity for UC Prompt #2
by Kathleen M. When you first read the UC PIQ prompt #2: “Every person has a creative side, and it...

What is an Example of Leadership for UC Prompt #1?
by Kathleen M. The first prompt for the University of California Personal Insight Questions is “Describe an example of your...

How to Pick Your UC PIQ Prompts
by Kathleen M. For the University of California system, students will need to choose four of eight Personal Insight Questions....

How to Avoid a Bad Introduction
by Kathleen M. "It was a Dark and Stormy Night…" Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote a novel that started with this phrase...