How to Write a COSMOS Essay

student happy on finishing essay for COSMOS

by Kathleen M.

The COSMOS Application is open and live for 2025.  One big reminder right from the start –

Choose which COSMOS campus you would like to apply to and read about their specialty.
Then you can choose two clusters at that campus to apply for. Tailor your interests to the clusters of your choice and apply away!

How should students write their COSMOS essay?

The COSMOS essay is according to the application website: “Your statement about yourself.  Students should use the statement section to highlight their achievements and demonstrate why they would be a good fit for the program.”

Once you have selected a campus, researched their offerings and selected two clusters, and decided on a focus for your statement about you, you are ready to write.  Connect these things to really show why you would be a good fit.  Be specific about how you are a good fit for a certain cluster.

Tell about experiences, courses, explorations, family trips, internships, or conversations that highlight how you would be a good choice for the program.  Tell the story using detail and connect the story to your argument: that you are a good candidate for studying at this COSMOS program.

“I really like video games and coding.  I have played over fifty hours of games.”

This is a good start – but work to make it even more specific.


“I don’t like passive games that are just about scores and numbers. Rather, my favorite kind of games have mysteries embedded in them, like point-and-click games and narrative games that riff off old myths like The Odyssey.”

By adding detail, this example offers much more specific information about you.

Remember that writing is a process.  So spend time gathering information, organize your ideas, write, and give yourself a break. Then read it again and again to polish your writing.

All of this takes time, so count yourself back from the deadline and be sure to balance applying with your school work and extracurricular activities.

Apply to COSMOS 

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