It’s All About the Hook

by Nick L.

As the school year ends and you begin thinking about your college essays, it can be tempting to focus exclusively on the body of your essay—those three or four paragraphs that provide the bulk of your narrative and ultimately allow the reader to decide whether you belong at your favorite school.

And while the body of your essay is arguably the most crucial component when it comes to the overall strength of your narrative, don’t underestimate the importance of a great hook.

Regardless of the type or length of the essay you’re working on, crafting an introduction that grabs and holds the reader’s attention is an absolute must if you want to stand out in a sea of applicants. After all, you only have one chance to make a great first impression with an admissions officer who is busy reading hundreds (if not thousands) of essays, so every word counts.

Make sure to focus on small details that allude to what is going to happen in your story without giving away the ending.

If, for example, your essay revolves primarily around the trials and tribulations you faced while teaching yourself how to play the cello, don’t simply state that you struggled to learn the cello.

Instead, try pulling the reader in with a suspenseful account of how you felt every time you picked up that new and intimidating instrument:

  • What was going through your mind every time you opened the sheet music?
  • Was there a specific moment in your life that made you want to pick up the cello in the first place?
  • Does the instrument case make a distinct sound every time you open it?
  • And if so, how does that sound make you feel?

Lots of people have taught themselves how to play a new instrument, but your personal experience leading up to, during, and after you sit down to play is inevitably going to be different from everyone else’s experience. Lean into the details that only you could have experienced in that moment and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Readers love to hear stories that reveal not only your uniqueness, but also the unique ways in which you view your surroundings, relationships, and ultimately the world.

Above all, the key is to craft a hook that grabs the reader’s attention and gives them a preview of what’s to come, all while establishing upfront the overall tone of your essay. By focusing exclusively on the small and personal details of a specific anecdote, you can help ensure that your reader gives your essay the time and attention it deserves.

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