IvyBoost Success Story: A Student’s Path to Georgetown University

Sofia was a dedicated and high-achieving student from a public high school in the Contra Consta County area of California. She was unsure which colleges would fit her criteria with for her passions towards medicine and health sciences.

Early on in her 11th grade year of Fall 2023, Sofia sought out IvyBoost to help find the direction she needed for her college admissions profile.

IvyBoost guidance ensured that Sofia could strategically focus on enhancing areas of her high school profile that required the most attention to develop into a great applicant:

Support on Summer Programs: Though the student had many accomplishments in leadership, service, and athletics, as a junior, she had few activities related to STEM. IvyBoost assisted Sofia on identifying summer programs, eventually securing acceptances from 3 summer programs.  IvyBoost also helped her narrow down her decision to the program which would provide the most valuable and relevant STEM experience.

Academics & Test Goals Guidance: For a motivated student like Sofia, IvyBoost helped advise on balancing advanced courses and to save energy by limiting non-STEM subjects. Furthermore, with IvyBoost’s test strategy advice, she took an alternative standardized test option to achieve a high ACT score of 34.

College List Strategy: IvyBoost helped identify target colleges on the East Coast that aligned with her interests, like Georgetown. Additionally, for other colleges she received acceptances to, she also received offers of scholarships totaling up to $100,000 over four years. 

Spotlight Strengths in Applications: Besides her impressive academic accomplishments, IvyBoost encouraged Sofia to bring out her qualities of authenticity and natural leadership she had grown from her past experiences, and highlight them in her application and essays to present a full picture of her personal strengths to colleges.

From her efforts and counseling with IvyBoost, Sofia received acceptance for Early Action on December 2024 into Georgetown University for a science program with pre-med opportunities.  

With a combination of her past achievements and understanding of her goals, and with the experienced support from the IvyBoost team, Sofia now looks forward to pursuing her dream of a future career related to health at Georgetown University!

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