IvyBoost Success Story: A Student’s Path to NYU

Athmika, as a creative and focused student from a public high school in Fremont, considered college as a place to pursue various intellectual interests and work towards practical career paths. Though she found colleges in the East Coast the most appealing, she was overwhelmed by how to narrow down her college selection choices and how to focus her energy.

With this forethought, Athmika looked to IvyBoost’s counseling during the 11th grade to study and prepare for the college applications journey.

IvyBoost counseling worked with her, to review and strengthen her profile, and target New York University (NYU) as an ideal academic and social environment for her aspirations. 

  • Critical Consideration of Admissions Profile:
    With collaboration with her counselor and as a high achieving student with a strong GPA and standardized test score, IvyBoost guidance helped Athmika tailor her college list to revolve around her stated interests. With her preferences for the East Coast and an urban environment, along with a notable demonstrated interest in areas like drama and law, New York University became her top choice.
  • Highlight Strengths and Goals in ED Application:
    IvyBoost counseling empowered Athmika to showcase both her wide range of strengths in legal and political extracurriculars like Model UN, as well as artistic endeavors in music and novel-writing within the applications. These served as the building blocks to demonstrate her readiness to excel at NYU as a student.
  • Create Clear Connections to College in Essays:  
    With the eye of an IvyBoost essay mentor and structured essay process, Athmika identified a story for her personal statement focused on artistic expression. Furthermore, with in-depth discussion and rounds of review, she was also able to focus on expressing her goals to connect them to NYU in supplemental essays. 

From her earlier confusion and indecision, Athmika was able to find direction with IvyBoost’s advice. When she heard of her Early Decision acceptance in Spring 2025, she was extremely happy to find a place with the NYU campus where she could thrive!

Athmika is now eagerly preparing for attending NYU in the fall, where she’ll be able to pursue both a range of job opportunities and flourish in the areas of the arts.

Her story shows how with a combination of a strong admissions profile and IvyBoost guidance, she found a path to encompass her diverse range of college goals and achieve to her potential.

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