Should You Write About a Role Model?
by Kathleen M.
Beware! This is a tricky question hiding in plain sight. You think – oh, I got this – my coach has done so much good in the community, and I could easily write 350 words about all the good she has done. Wrong!
Whenever you are responding to a question for an application, the answer should be about you.
So how do you answer a prompt when you want to mention a role model?
Should you write about a role model?
First, decide on a role model. Say it is your awesome coach, then think about why them and what about them you would like to emulate.
Focus on this value and voila, an essay about you.
Use a sentence or two to describe your role model. You want to offer a clear and concise story about who they are and what they have done that impressed you.
Then, focus on the value that they represent. Take a sentence or two to explain why you see this value in them and then connect to yourself.
Continue to elaborate using examples about you to show how you are modeling yourself on that person. The value might be abstract, so the examples can come from very different parts of your life – academics, sports, fun, family.
Also, be sure to forecast how this value will aid you in whatever you are applying for. The goal here is to show how this value will make you an important part of the community you will enter.
This may involve a little research to find a direct and specific connection. Have fun imagining the future and how you will appear in it.
So now that you think about it and know what the danger is, the a prompt where you want to write about a role model isn’t so difficult after all.
You just need a plan to remain focused on telling more about yourself and less about the role model – they are there as a guide rather than as the main character. The essay responses on applications are always about you – so that should help as you think about preparing to respond to questions.