Tips on Writing a Waitlist Letter

student writing waitlist letter
by Kathleen M.

You selected your dream school, you applied and …. wait list!  Now what?

If this school is still the school you want, now is the time to refocus your energy and writing skill and send a letter of continued interest (if the school has asked for one, or as long as they didn’t say don’t write!). What are some tips you should know for writing a waitlist letter?

You should thank the admissions committee for considering you – and adding you to the waitlist!

It is an accomplishment to make it this far, and you should recognize that for yourself and for the committee doing the work.

You should offer any new information about yourself that has happened since you applied. Has your GPA improved? Have you finished any additional projects? Have you taken on any new leadership roles?

Here are some things to consider adding to the waitlist letter:

  • If you raised a grade in Multivariable Calculus from a C to a B+, you can mention that
  • If a nonprofit you founded got into the news for raising thousands of dollars for new student laptops, you can mention that
  • If you dropped an activity, say Tennis Club because you were no longer interested, to pursue an interest like Treasurer for the Film Club, that is also something you could mention that as well

And really refocus the application you made to make it clear why you would be a great student at their school. If you didn’t do an excellent job before – now is the time to scour their website, and suggest a few tangible ways in which you would interact in classes, clubs, and activities.

You would be an excellent student – but why?

Remember to stay positive.  You didn’t get in on the first round, and it is easy to feel disappointed, but don’t share that feeling!

Work on sharing new information, new enthusiasm, and continued commitment to the school!

As always, take time to proofread your waitlist letter – now more than ever an impression matters, and you really want to make a good one!

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